No matter how many ideas you have for a new circular business, in order to make an impact, these ideas must be implemented. Doing this is challenging because a circular business aims to generate economic, environmental (and social) value simultaneously, through the collaboration of multiple stakeholders who often have different needs, objectives and priorities. Therefore, a trial and error approach is most likely needed to make it work.

The circular business pilot plan is a tool that helps your company to co-define, with a range of collaborating stakeholders, how to execute a small-scale pilot. This is essential to find out whether the circular business idea you had in mind can work for real. If it doesn’t, you can go back to the tool to change the plan and try again. 

The tools is essentially a poster template that allows stakeholders to get around the table, and think about the circular business idea in terms of a prototype that has to be defined, built, and delivered to customers while generating profit and measuring the circular impact that is achieved by doing so. Since “the devil is in the details” and “cash is king”, the tool will push you to think in terms of specific actions that you can perform right now, with available knowledge, financial resources and manpower.  

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