
Roger Nyffenegger to coordinate a visionary PV project that aims to strengthen the circular economy in the solar industry

To close cycles in the solar industry and conserve resources, SENS eRecycling, Swissolar and the Bern University of Applied Sciences have launched the project with other partners from the Swiss solar and energy sectors. The project aims to extend the service life of photovoltaic modules by developing reuse business models. 

Additionally, a digital platform is being developed that helps to determine the optimal circular economy strategy at an early stage. This data-based assessment is supported by effective testing of the photovoltaic modules to determine their reuse potential. This allows tested second-hand modules to be put on the second-hand market with a certification, and only those that are no longer functional can be recycled effectively.

For more information, contact the project coordinator Roger Nyffenegger here:; or check out the website: