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Nancy Bocken, Jonatan Pinkse, Paavo Ritala and Nicole Darnall are inviting submissions for a paper development workshop related to a special issue in Organization & Environment on the topic of “Between Circular Paralysis and Utopia: Organizational Transformations towards the Circular Economy”.

This virtual workshop will allow authors to further develop their paper manuscripts (early stage, work in progress) based on feedback from the special issue editors and other workshop participants. While participation in the workshop is not a requirement for submission to the special issue, it is highly recommended.

To provide more context about the special issue:

Research and practice will need to move away from circular utopias and circular paralysis towards “real utopias”, or, the organisational realities that are transformative from the present, but still achievable. The main objective of this special issue is to find ways to go beyond “circular utopia” and “circular paralysis” towards strong sustainability and circularity. Scholars are invited to investigate how organizations can transform towards the circular economy, and what the impacts are of doing so. How might we go from the visionary concept of the circular economy towards strategic organizational transformation that contributes to a successful sustainability transition and addresses challenging climate, resource, and societal issues?

More detail about the Special Issue titled “Between Circular Paralysis and Utopia" can be found here. More information about the workshop specifically can be found here


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